Against the Odds: Year 12’s Inspiring Team-Building Experience

Against the Odds: Year 12’s Inspiring Team-Building Experience

Year 12 Team-building Day at Blacklands Farm was an adventure! Despite a surprise thunderstorm, spirits stayed high with fun Olympic-style games indoors.

Last Friday, Radnor House’s Year 12 students embarked on their highly anticipated annual Team-building Day at Blacklands Farm in Surrey. While the day began under the sunny skies of Sevenoaks, an unexpected thunderstorm welcomed the group upon arrival. Not even the BBC Weather forecast could have predicted the torrential rain, but this did little to dampen the spirits of our Sixth Formers. 

As the rain poured down and thunder cracked overhead, the students took refuge in a large marquee, where they engaged in a series of Olympic-style team games. Students supported one another through a variety of fun and quirky challenges. Their good humour and positive energy were contagious, proving that teamwork and determination could overcome even the worst weather. 

Remarkably, just as the games came to an end, the storm cleared, making way for a brilliant rainbow and bright sunshine. With renewed energy, the group headed outdoors to take on the climbing wall and crate-stacking challenge. Despite the soaked equipment and muddy conditions, every student embraced the opportunity to push their limits. Even those with a fear of heights managed to conquer the climbing wall, while the crate-stacking challenge brought about plenty of laughter and excitement as the unstable tower toppled time and again. 

The day was a true demonstration of perseverance, courage, and teamwork. The staff at Blacklands Farm were especially impressed with our students, taking the time to compliment them on their politeness and positive attitude. “A credit to your school,” they said—a sentiment that filled staff and students alike with pride. 

The Year 12 Team-building Day was not only a test of physical strength but also of character. Radnor House students once again proved their resilience, camaraderie, and ability to thrive in any situation. Well done, Year 12! 


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