Minds Behind Radnor: Conversation with Miss Littlejohn, Head of KS2

Minds Behind Radnor: Conversation with Miss Littlejohn, Head of KS2

This term, we warmly welcomed Miss Littlejohn as the new Head of Key Stage 2 at Radnor House Sevenoaks. With a passion for teaching and a wealth of experience, Miss Littlejohn is already settling in and bringing fresh energy to our Prep School. We caught up with her to discuss her transition, her goals for the school year, and her vision for Key Stage 2. 

You’ve just joined us this month—how are you settling in so far? 

I am settling in very well thank you. I am lucky to be surrounded by fantastic colleagues who have been extremely supportive. 

What attracted you to the role of Head of Key Stage 2 here at Radnor? What excites you most about working with this age group? 

I have worked within Key Stage 2 for many years, and I enjoy their eagerness to learn and to discover new things. I find this age group to be full of curiosity which makes teaching exciting and fun.  

You must be getting to know the students and staff pretty well by now. How have you found the Radnor House community so far? 

I have found the Radnor House community to be exceptionally friendly and everyone is very dedicated to their roles and to the school, which is lovely to be a part of. 

As Head of Key Stage 2, you’ll be playing a key role in shaping the students' learning experience. What are your main priorities or goals for the school year ahead? 

I am very eager to help embed our new Archway curriculum within the Prep School and help the children to become independent learners who are willing to take risks and make mistakes whilst taking ownership of their learning.  

What’s your teaching philosophy? Are there any particular approaches or strategies you’re excited to bring to your new role? 

I want our pupils to approach their learning with curiosity and creativity: applying learnt skills and the school’s values and taking responsibility for their own learning journey. 

Teaching can be so rewarding. What’s the most memorable or impactful moment from your career so far? 

I have been teaching for many years that I have many, but I think some of the most impactful moments is when past students make the effort to say, ‘thank you’. It is a small gesture, but means a lot. 

On a more personal note, when you’re not at school, how do you like to spend your time? Do you have any hobbies or interests that help you recharge? 

I love to read in my spare time, especially historical books as this is a particular area of interest for me.  

Finally, as you look ahead to your time at Radnor House, what are you most excited about in your role, and what do you hope to achieve for the Key Stage 2 team? 

I am most excited about working with a new team and creating some really memorable moments for the children in Key Stage 2. I want each child to finish this academic year with a renewed love for learning that has been nurtured through fun, engaging and creative teaching and learning opportunities.  

Miss. Littlejohn's passion for education, coupled with her vision for a stimulating and supportive learning environment, is sure to leave a lasting impact on Key Stage 2 at Radnor House. We're excited to see her vision come to life and look forward to the enriching experiences she will bring to our school community. 


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