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Maths Challenge Success

A group of Radnor mathematicians impressed in the recent Intermediate Mathematical Challenge, with one pupil achieving a new record for the school.

Gregory Tan’s exceptional score of 118 sees him qualify for the Maclaurin Olympiad later this year, while Gavin Ha’s high score sees him invited to take part in the UK Maths Trust Pink Kangaroo challenge.

Students from Years 9, 10 and 11 achieved 37 awards in total and the highest median score to date.   Excellent performances by the Radnor cohort saw pupils achieving 2 gold awards, 14 silver and 21 bronze. 

Jason Charles, Head of Maths says, we are proud of the achievements of all students who participated in the IMC. Learning to tackle some of the fiendish problems set by the UKMT is a great way to develop synoptic thinking and resilience, qualities that you need in abundance to perform at the highest level in mathematics. We continue to be impressed by the academic determination of our pupils, and their constant drive to challenge themselves. If you think you could do as well as our students why not tackle one of the problems from this year's challenge. Good luck.


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