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Transition to Sixth Form

All of our Senior School pupils are guaranteed a place in the Radnor House Sevenoaks Sixth Form.

Preparation for Sixth Form life begins early with Year 10 enjoying a '10 to Sixth' day towards the end of the academic year. This is both an introduction to the university application process and a chance for students to begin thinking about their A level options.

In the October of Year 11, pupils and their parents are invited to an A level information evening where they can meet with the Sixth Form tutors and discuss A level options in more detail. Students also enjoy an inspirational visit to Oxford or Cambridge university.

This is followed shortly after by the Sixth Form taster day, where Year 11's get to enjoy the full Radnor House Sixth Form experience; dressing in business attire, using the common room and sampling some of the A level subjects they are considering. Towards the end of Year 11, pupils are encouraged to investigate subjects in more depth and familiarise themselves with the language of 'UCAS points' and 'Personal statements'. 

Further details about Sixth Form Life, Universities and Careers can be found in the Radnor House Sevenoaks Sixth Form section of the site.

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