Christmas Performance Excellence
Last week pupils from Nursery to Reception stunned audiences of pupils, parents, and staff with their performance of the nativity, along with Lower Prep showcasing their brilliant Christmas Play.
In the case of both plays, songs were sung and lines were said with much enthusiasm. It was obvious that there had been many hours spent learning the words and actions. During rehearsals the pupils showed incredible perseverance in perfecting their singing, dancing and acting which-coupled with a lot of courage on the day- lead to an excellent performance.
After the EYFS nativity, one parent in the audience gave the review- 'Having watched a number of these fantastic productions over the years I wanted to particularly commend the singing in this one. The children knew the words, sang with passion and had genuine enthusiasm - amazing!'
In the Christmas play performed by Years 1 and 2 in the last week of term, there were some incredible individual performances and singing solos that showed outstanding bravery and talent!
Congratulations Nursery, Reception, Year 1 and Year 2.