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Careers Networking Event

Mrs Nadia Brice, Radnor House Careers Lead writes: 

As part of National Careers Week, students from Years 10, 11 and 12 had the opportunity to attend a Careers Networking Event on Tuesday. Year 10 pupils were invited for the first time and had a special assembly beforehand to help them think about effective communication skills. 

We were privileged to host twenty five exhibitors including Radnor parents, a former student, and some contacts of Mrs Southgate. Together our exhibitors represented a wide range of companies and public sector organisations. Exhibitors were from the NHS, Transport for London, The Bank of England, BNP Paribas, Great Ormond Street and some smaller private businesses. 

There was a real buzz on the night and the event was very well attended. Feedback from exhibitors and students was very positive and we are already thinking about next year's event. 

We are incredibly grateful for the time and insights our exhibitors gave to our students. If you would like to take part next year do please get in touch! 

Year 12 students also completed activities this week about how their subjects related to different careers and skills, and we are looking into wider school initiatives for the next academic year. 


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