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A parent's guide to home learning

Just when you thought you had parenting figured out and your children settled at school...Coronavirus hits like a freight train.  Schools are suddenly shut, children are at home all day and with little warning you are expected to act as class teacher, teaching assistant, subject specialist, PE coach... the list goes on.  It is no wonder most parents are slightly overwhelmed.

While that is certainly one possible reaction it is important to realise that your children are also feeling confused, scared and unsettled and need you to remain calm and in control.  Children thrive in consistency which is why school is so reassuring each day. They see the same faces at the same times and know that the world is going to be ok because they always walk through the same door each morning and are greeted by the same smiling teacher.

So what do we do when the place we know and love is not there anymore, we need a plan.  The following 10-point guide to home learning might be useful for parents:

  1. Use your school's timetable to structure your child's day - wake up at normal time, have breakfast as usual and then where possible stick to lessons as normal

  2. Create a work space for each child

  3. Contact your child's school to ask for home learning tasks

  4. Arrange virtual play dates 

  5. Avoid non-essential screen time during the day

  6. Set limits of non-school device time each day - try 30 minutes during the week and one hour at the weekend

  7. Exercise daily - make sure this is built in to your routine and stick to it

  8. Eat healthily - make cooking a family activity

  9. Be flexible - some days will be better than others

  10. Support each other - create groups to help you navigate the challenge

Above all it is important to realise that what we are facing now is the new normal, it could be several months before we are allowed back to school and in that time you need to ensure your child makes sufficient educational and emotional progress not to fall behind.  Children need to come out of this stronger than they went in.  As parents we have an opportunity to reconnect with our children but need a clear plan for the weeks ahead to make this new normal a positive reality.


If you would like to discuss how Radnor House Sevenoaks can support your child and provide access to our innovative and fully online learning platform for the summer term then please contact us.


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