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Should My Child Choose Their Secondary School?

Involving your child in the decision-making process when choosing their secondary school can be beneficial. It allows them to have a sense of ownership and responsibility for their education, which can lead to increased motivation and engagement in their studies.  However, it’s essential to provide guidance and support to ensure they consider all relevant factors and make an informed decision.  Choosing a school purely because their best friend is going there should not be the main driver. 

On a practical level, while it’s important that you and your child feel an emotional connection with the school, think about what works for you as a family. Does the school run, or bus route, fit in with the needs of the rest of the family?   Will Saturday school have an impact on family time?  Logistics have to play a part in your decision as, once the honeymoon period wears off, the commute must be sustainable.

Many secondary schools including Radnor offer taster ‘experience’ days for Year 4 and Year 5 pupils as opportunities for the pupils to start to get a sense of the school.  I would recommend attending those at any schools you are interested in.  It will give you and your child a sense of the community you may be joining:  the staff, the communications, the ethos, the activities and the facilities.   Open Days are also useful events to attend with your child too.  The more contact your child has with a school before the assessment day, the more comfortable they will be about sitting the assessment there and this will be reflected in their performance.

Liz Reading is Director of Marketing and Admissions at Radnor House.

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