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Effectively managing your child's transition to secondary school.

Transitioning from primary school to secondary school can be a big change for children, and parents play a crucial role in supporting their child during this time. Here are some tips from Alison Robinson, Head of House and Head of Art at Radnor, to help parents facilitate a smooth transition for their children:

Open Communication: Encourage your child to express their feelings and concerns about transitioning to secondary school. Listen to their worries and offer reassurance and support.

Visit the School: Attend open days or orientation events at the new school with your child. Familiarize yourselves with the layout of the school and meet teachers and staff.

Encourage Independence: Help your child develop organizational skills and encourage them to take responsibility for their belongings and homework.

Establish a Routine: Start getting into the routine of secondary school before the term begins. Practice waking up early, having breakfast, and getting ready on time.

Discuss Expectations: Talk to your child about what to expect in secondary school, such as increased workload, different subjects, and extracurricular activities.

Encourage Social Connections: Help your child maintain friendships from primary school while also encouraging them to make new friends in secondary school.

Support Homework: Create a designated study area at home and provide support with homework and assignments. Encourage a positive attitude towards learning.

Stay Involved: Stay involved in your child’s education by attending parent-teacher meetings, checking their progress, and being aware of any challenges they may be facing.

Encourage Extracurricular Activities: Support your child in exploring extracurricular activities and hobbies that interest them. This can help them make new friends and build confidence.

Be Positive: Stay positive and optimistic about the transition to secondary school. Your attitude and support can help alleviate any anxieties your child may have.

Remember, every child is different, and the transition process will vary for each individual. By being supportive, understanding, calm and involved, parents can help their children navigate this important milestone with confidence.

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