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Fake Eyelashes and the Power of Pupil Voice

Reading, as I did today, Knole Academy’s decision to allow fake eyelashes in the name of mental health reminded me of the diverse interests present in all schools.  On the one hand this is an important, even landmark decision for the school.  It is testament to the power of pupil voice and the stubbornness of parents to support a clear rule.  On the other hand, it speaks to a deep desire to prioritise wellbeing and positivity in the face of the daily grind of, ‘tuck that shirt in’, ‘polish those shoes’ and ‘take off that makeup’.

It is an emotive issue and that is why we’re talking about it.  It strikes at the very heart of our values and makes us question where we stand.  We can all see both sides but still, as school leaders and parents, we need to make a decision which we know will infuriate some and delight others.

For me, uniform is a red line issue, and it talks to the purpose of education.  My job is to prepare young people for the world of tomorrow, and in that world young people will have a boss, who expects them to turn up on time, do their work to a reasonable standard and probably wear something which is in keeping with the culture of the organisation they are employed in.

Wearing uniform properly is a small but important part of that and I do not think we can shy away from it.  Going to a deeper, sociological level, all societies succeed or fail on their ability to harness the collective energies of their populations.  Compliance with a set of rules is a major part of that and children, whether they like it or not, are going to join the adult world in the not-too-distant future.  If we teach them as children that their own feelings trump those of the wider society in which they work, we are setting ourselves, but more likely them, up for a fall. 


Knole Academy in Sevenoaks changes uniform rules to allow fake eyelashes for ‘mental health considerations’ (

David Paton is Head of Radnor House Sevenoaks

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