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Business is a dynamic and exciting subject. It examines a range of issues related to the modern working environment and equips the pupils with an awareness of marketing, human resources, production and finances, as well as macro economic issues.

Topics Covered

Business is part of everyday life! Whatever we do, business will be involved at every stage.  Topics covered in class reflect this and an overall perspective of the internal and external environment will be studied.

What are the Lessons Like?

Much class work is built around discussion; the work will often be initiated by current business issues presented through DVD’s, PowerPoint presentations, newspaper articles and the school’s excellent digital resources.

Pupils are encouraged to think critically and learn to problem solve.  Lessons are interesting and active.  Students are encouraged to give presentations and become involved in their learning.

What is the Homework Like?

A variety of different homework will be issued, including data response questions, essays, newspaper research, reading articles and watching television programmes.

Subject Combinations

Business combines well with many subjects, particularly with subjects with a similar emphasis on analysis and evaluation from humanities based subjects to science based subjects.


Opportunities are endless for Business pupils; all pupils will work in a business at some stage in their lives, making it a relevant and useful subject.

External Links

It is essential that pupils are exposed to real businesses, in order for them to be able to put their knowledge into context.  A variety of external visits are organised from Year 10 to Year 13.

External business speakers also visit the department to talk to students about a range of business issues including business start ups, marketing and finance.

In Year 10 and 11, the pupils set up and run their own mini business as part of their GCSE course.

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