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Academic Support

Deciding which sixth form to study at is one of the most important educational decisions you have to make. At Radnor House we aspire to instil you with the knowledge, skills and confidence required to succeed in both higher education and the world of work beyond.

At Radnor House we know the importance of focusing on your objectives from the very first day of your sixth form experience. Scary as it may sound, you should even be thinking about life beyond school before you start your A level courses!

At Radnor House Year 10 and 11 students are spoken to about the importance of the right combination of choices at A level which will enable them to reach their educational objectives; we even take Year 11 students on a university visit to focus them on what they might be working towards and inform their future decision making.

Sixth form life is characterised by greater personal responsibility. You will be expected to undertake a great deal of independent learning in addition to your classes, homework and the scheduled private study lessons each student has embedded within their timetable. You will not only take on more complex and specialised learning but be taught ‘how’ best to study and use your time wisely.

How will I be supported in my academic studies?

Your academic progress and attainment will be under scrutiny throughout your sixth form studies. Each sixth form student is allocated to a tutor with whom you will meet on a regular basis to discuss progress and any issues which might be impacting on performance and rectify any problems. Your sixth form team – the Head of Sixth Form, tutor and subject teachers - also meet regularly to check how you are getting on. You will be monitored, frequently assessed and reported on – a process designed to ensure that you are able to challenge yourself and fulfil your academic potential.

Our dedicated and specialist sixth form team is committed to enabling you to achieve academic success. We strive to ensure you become responsible and motivated students, each of whom possesses a genuine enjoyment of learning and ambition to achieve.

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